Home Timeline January 1934
Mar 03

Jan. 1, 1934
Gang fires machine guns at the beach to celebrate the New Year. The sound was not observed out of the norm due to fireworks being set off by others in the area.

January 1934
Billie consults with George R. Brokins, Attorney at Law, at 707 Stevens Building, Chicago, about divorcing her husband, Welton Spark, #42165, U.S. Penitentiary, Leavenworth, Kansas.

Early Jan. 1934
Dillinger, Makley, Clark and Opal Long party in Daytona Beach, Florida, while Harry Pierpont, Mary Kinder and Mary's sister Margaret go to Miami. l

Jan. 6, 1934
Michigan City escapee Walter Dietrich captured in Bellwood, Illinois, and returned to prison.

Jan. 14, 1934 Sunday: Dillinger, Makley, Clark and Opal Long are chased by Daytona Beach police in the afternoon. They head south to meet Pierpont in Miami. A possible escape route to Cuba.

Jan. 15, 1934
According to Mary Kinder the First National Bank of East Chicago, Indiana, was robbed by John Hamilton, Homer Van Meter and an unidentified man associated with Baby Face Nelson (possibly John Paul Chase, Tommy Carrol or Eddie Green).
BANDIT CAR: Blue Plymouth
WOUNDED: Hamilton; shot in right hand,losing finger, shot four times in groin.
KILLED: Officer William Patrick O'Malley
TAKE: $20,000

Jan. 16, 1934
Bloodstained and bullet-riddled Plymouth getaway car found at Byron Street and California Avenue, Chicago.

Jan. 17, 1934
Early morning hours of 1 or 2 a.m. Dillinger, Makley, Clark and Opal Long visit John's father in Mooresville, Indiana. After a few hours they leave and John stays the night. Later John goes off to his brother Hubert's work. Clark, Makley and Opal Long head directly to Tucson from their only visit to John's home.

Jan. 18, 1934 John goes to Chicago to check on Hamilton and meets Billie there. Hamilton pays gambling debts to John using East Chicago money. John and Billie go back to Mooresville farm in route to St. Louis to introduce Billie to John's father again and confirm he was not in East Chicago. He tells his dad he has no intent of hurting anyone let alone killing anyone.

Jan. 19, 1934
With Billie Frechette, Dillinger attends the auto show at the St. Louis Municipal Auditorium. A Boston Bull Terrier Dillinger had bought for Frechette gets loose at the show. An officer on duty at the show catches the dog and returns it to Dillinger.

Jan. 22, 1934
The Congress Hotel, where Clark and Makley are registered, catches fire. The two pay firemen $50 to retrieve their belongings, then relocate to a house on 927 North Second Avenue.
*In California, Baby Face Nelson buys himself a new getaway car, a Hudson sedan, issued to him under the name of James Rogers.

Jan. 23, 1934
Browsing through detective magazines back at the station, the firemen recognize Clark's mug shot and notify the Tucson police. Harry Pierpont and Mary Kinder arrive at Tucson cabins.
*Kidnap victim Edward Bremer released.

Jan.24, 1934 Late Wednesday Dillinger and Billie arrive in Tucson after checking escape routes into Mexico.

Jan. 25, 1934
Charles Makley arrested at a radio store in downtown Tucson; Clark and Opal Long captured at the house on North Second Avenue; Pierpont and Mary Kinder apprehended on South Sixth while trying to leave town in a '34 Buick. Hours after Clark's arrest, Dillinger and Frechette arrested at the North Avenue house.

Jan. 26, 1934
Preliminary hearing before Justice of the Peace C.V. Budlong, Pima County Courthouse. Bond set at $100,000 for everyone except Frechette ($5,000). Gang represented by L.A. attorney John Van Buskirk.

Jan. 29, 1934
Monday evening
Dillinger flies by charter plane to Douglas, Arizona, to make American Airways connection. He leaves Douglas at 11:40 p.m., makes stops in Dallas, Fort Worth, Little Rock, Memphis and St. Louis. Lands at Midway Airport, Chicago, at 6 p.m. Jan. 30.

Jan. 30, 1934
Thirteen-car motorcade begins journey to Crown Point, Indiana; arrives at the Lake County Jail at 7:40 p.m.

Jan. 31, 1934
Louis Piquett, Esq., and Arthur O'Leary, Piquett's investigator, travel to Crown Point in an attempt to see Dillinger. Denied access, they return to Chicago.

Home Timeline January 1934