Home Timeline October 1933
Feb 22

Oct. 8, 1933
Giants beat the Senators four games to one in the World Series; Dillinger bets on Giants.

Oct. 12, 1933
Pierpont, Makley and Clark enter the Lima jail to free Dillinger; Pierpont kills Sheriff Jesse Sarber in the process. Clark and Makley are with Pierpont when Sheriff is killed. Copeland, Hamilton and Shouse stand guard outside. After freeing Dillinger, the gang travels to Hamilton, Ohio and then to Leipsic,Ohio,Pierpont's home, celebrates Pierpont's birthday the following day.

Oct. 14, 1933
Robs the Auburn, Indiana, police station arsenal with Pierpont and Walter Dietrich.
TAKE: One Thompson, two .38 revolvers, one .30-caliber Springfield rifle, one shotgun, one Colt .45, one .44 Smith & Wesson, a Spanish .45, one German Luger, three bulletproof vests, and 1,245 rounds of ammunition.

Oct. 21, 1933
Robs the Peru, Indiana, police station arsenal with Pierpont and Dietrich.
TAKE: Two Thompsons, six bulletproof vests, two sawed-off shotguns, four .38 police specials, two .30.30 Winchesters.

October 23, 1933
Robs Central National Bank of Greencastle, Indiana, with Pierpont, Makley, Clark, Copeland, Hamilton, and either Hilton Crouch or Leslie Homer
BANDIT CAR: Black Studebaker
TAKE: $75,000.00 to $78,000.00
*On the same day, Baby Face Nelson robs the First National Bank of Brainerd, Minnesota, of $32,000 with Tommy Carroll, Homer Van Meter, John Paul Chase, and Charles Fisher. Homer van meter not liked by Pierpont. This would be a prominent factor in later East Chicago Bank Robbery according to Pierpont's girlfriend Mary Kinder.

Oct. 26, 1933
The governor of Indiana calls up the National Guard; armored cars with mounted machine guns on 24-hour duty in Indianapolis.

Late Oct. 1933
Johnnie meets Evelyn Frechette in North Side Chicago nightclub. According to Mary Kinder and Evelyn, John does not find out Evelyn is still married until Christmas of 1933.

Home Timeline October 1933